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dg百家乐-百家乐网站 临床医学专业(留学生)考试须知 Examination Notification for International Students of Clinical Medicine

来源:本站 日期:2015-10-16点击:



1、 考生需至少提前15分钟进入考场,考试开始30分钟后,谢绝迟到的考生进入考场。

2、 考生需携带学生证参加考试,考试期间证件放于桌面上,便于监考老师核对身份。无有效证件者不能参加考试。

3、 学生不得携带耳机、无线通讯、电子存储等设备进入考场。考试期间应关闭手机,手机放入书包。书包、书籍、复习资料等与考试无关的物品放在讲台前。桌面上只能放置答题必须的文具和证件。违反者均以舞弊处理。

4、 考生需隔排隔位就坐,并服从监考老师对座位的调整与检查。

5、 考生领到试卷后,须马上用钢笔填写好姓名、学号、班级等信息。

6、 考生不得在考场上互传任何物品。

7、 考试期间,考生之间不得以任何形式交流。如有疑问可举手向监考老师示意。

8、 考生需提前做好考试准备。开考一小时内不得以任何理由离开考场。

9、 考试结束后,考生必须按时交卷,不得拖延时间。提前交卷的学生,交卷后必须立即离开考场,不得在考场周围逗留、喧哗。


WuhanUniversitySchool of Medicine

Examination Notification

For International Students ofClinical Medicine

1. Please arrive at the designated venue 15 minutes beforethe exam start.Nobody is allowed to enter the venue 30 minutesinto the exam.

2. Please take your student card and place it on the desk forexaminers to check your identification. Anyone without valid credentials isbanned from the exam.

3. Devices such as earphones, wireless communication devices,digital storage devices are banned in the exam venue. Keep your cellphoneturned off and in your bag during the exam. Please place your bag, books,references in the front of the classroom. Only stationeries and credentials areallowed on the desk. Any violation of the above will be considered cheating andhandled according to regulations.

4. Please sit every other rows, and allow the examiners torearrange your seat or check your desk.

5. Upon receiving papers, make sure you put down your name,student number, class information properly.

6. Passing objects in the venue is forbidden.

7. During the examination,you are not allowed to communicate with other students in any forms. Raise yourhand to signal the examiner if you have any questions.

8. Please be prepared for the examination beforehand. Exitfrom the venue due to any reason is not allowed after 1 hour into theexamination.

9. Please hand in your papers timely without stalling at theend of the examination. Students who submit papers ahead of time should leavethe venue immediately. Lingering and talking around the examination venuebefore the end of the examination are forbidden.

10.Any deed against the examinationregulation is forbidden. Anyone who violates the regulations or disobey theexaminer will be handled according to related regulations.